| Alliance-Capital
1345 Avenue of Americas
A financial management and mutual fund company with 1 billion dollars in sales. This company is owned by The Equitable Companies which is one block over on 7th Avenue. I have a friend who does database programming for this company. | |
1330 Avenue of Americas
Owner of Caesar's and Sheraton hotels, this company was recently acquired by Starwood Lodgings in a dramatic and ongoing takeover battle in which this company's management refused to sell out to Hilton who desperately wanted it. I don't know what the management's beef was, but they were hell bent on never selling out to Hilton. This company also once owned Madison Square Garden, and the Knicks and the Rangers to go with it. | |
| RJR Nabisco
1301 Ave. of Americas
Just a few blocks away from the other food and cigarette evil empire conglomerate, is this food and cigarette evil empire conglomerate. Hidden in this no name building is RJR Nabisco, maker of Camel and second largest manufacturer of cigarettes in the world. Also responsible for all Nabisco products, it has a revenue of over 17 billion. Coopers and Lybrand, one of the big 6 accounting firms is also in this building. | |
51 West 52nd
Who would ever think that hidden in this dark stone-cold building would be the headquarters of one of our favorite 3 original TV networks. Of course this is probably just where all the financial and executive decisions are made. The real action for this company is at their studios in Studio City and Hollywood in Los Angeles. | |
| Paine Webber
1285 Ave. of Americas
One of the largest securities firms in the country, this company has 6.6 billion in sales. General Electric owns 25% of this company. | |
| Time-Life/Interpublic Group
1271 Ave of. Americas
Both Time-Life and the Interpublic group are in this one building. Fortune, Sports Illustrated, Time, Life, and People magazine are probably all created in this building. To complement the magazine business going on in this building is the Interpublic group which is the first or second largest advertising firm in the world. | |
| 1251 Ave. of Americas
This building is part of a set of three enormous buildings on 6th avenue that are huge megaliths of corporate power. The other two are listed below. Although there may not be any interesting headquarters in this building, a lot of investment banks have offices here. In particular international wheeling and dealing seems to be the game in this building since a lot foreign banks gather here as well. Also Rolling Stone is in this building. | |
| Mcgraw-Hill Companies
1221 Avenue of Americas
In the second of the enormous megalithic building is the Mcgraw-Hill companies. These guys are the makers of one of my favorite magazines Business Week and are a general provider of financial information as well as the fact that they make wonderful grade school, high school and college texts. | |
| News Corp.
1221 Avenue of Americas
And in the third of these three monolithic buildings is the U.S. headquarters of the News Corps, from Rupert Murdoch's media empire. News Corp is the creator of the Fox network and owns 20th Century Fox and TV Guide and the New York Post. Although most of the action for this company probably happens at their studios in Century City Los Angeles, decisions on The Simpsons, X-Files, King of the Hill and Alley McBeal probably happen here. | |
30 Rockefeller Plaza
Across the Street from the News Corp and Fox is NBC. Here NBC has its studios for programs such as Saturday Night Live, Conan Obrien, Rosie O'donnell, and Dateline. Although it is called NBC, this company is entirely owned by General Electric as can observed if one looks at the very top of this building where in huge neon are the two letters "GE". | |
| Time-Warner
And then down the street a little ways from Fox and NBC is the Time-Warner quarters, possibly the largest media empire in the world. The people in this building make the final decisions on Warner Bros. movies, HBO, CNN, TNT, TBS, WB 11, Time Warner Cable, and Time-Life magazines which is just down the street. | |
| Simon and Schuster
1230 Ave. of Americas
Simon and Schuster is the book publishing division of Viacom and is just across the street from one of its biggest rivals Mcgraw-Hill. | |
| Amereda Hess
1185 Avenue of Americas
These guys do oil exploration around the world, have oil refineries in the U.S. and then of course their Hess gas stations. All for a grand total of 8.2 billion in revenue. Not bad guys. | |
| Marsh & Mclennan
1166 Avenue of Americas
Here is a moderately succesful insurance company with 3.4 billion in revenue. Like many other companies theyh are getting into the hot market of consulting as well. | |
| Price Waterhouse
Here is another one of the big six accounting firms. I think 5 out of 6 of these accounting firms are in the New York midtown area within a 5 block radius of each other. These guys have a nice new building and do 5.6 billion dollars in sales. If I am not mistaken there is a graphical resemblance between their logo and the top of this building. | |
| Bell Atlantic
And then of course, our favorite telephone company. The guys who install my phone lines and send me the most confusing bills are the lords of local phone calling in my area and possibly an evil bureaucratic empire. It depends on if they can get their act together. The company used to be called Nynex until it merged with Bell Atlantic last year to become the largest of the Baby Bells with 30 billion in revenue. | |
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